It’s with both sadness and horror that I watch the racism happening not only across the border—but in our own backyard. In a country that I believed to be more tolerant, more accepting, more welcoming to people of different ethnic backgrounds. I’ve never been more disappointed to be proven wrong.
I took on the role of President of the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation (CMEF)—a not-for-profit organization committed to creating awareness around issues of diversity, human rights, racism, and multiculturalism—because I, along with its diverse Board of Directors, believe in its mandate: To strengthen the multicultural fabric of Canada through educational and community programs.
But over the past few months, it feels like we, as a Canadian society, are going backwards. These have not been easy times. Still, I am horrified by the racism being displayed toward our Indigenous peoples, toward our Asian brothers and sisters, toward our Black communities This is not who we are in Canada. This is not the country in which I chose to live.
Please, I ask from each of you, consider your actions, your words. Don’t just say you are against racism—prove it. And if you need ideas on how you can be a true ally, there are a number of resources, including this one:
We can do better, Canada. We must do better.
Beryl Scott